
Showing posts from August, 2022

What to do on holidays? Going for Erasmus!

It’s time for the first substantive content. It will be short. However, the main idea to start blogging was a goal to give you as many tools as a student can get. So, here you go! There is around half of the holidays. Maybe this post should have been published earlier, but most people have plans for the beginning of summer and, probably, you would forget about it. I think it’s the perfect time to give you the inspiration to use the time that we have before the next academic year.   If you don’t have an idea what to do for the rest of the holidays (or you want to do something additional except study), I have a recommendation for you. A lot of NGOs around Europe have received funding for making projects. It is money from the EU, and the main goal for spending is to make short projects for young people within the Erasmus+ programme. Firstly, go to Facebook. Just put various combinations of words such as “young”, “Erasmus”, “opportunity”, “(name of your country)”, “projects”, and others.

Hi there!

Hello! It's nice to welcome you to my space on the Internet. I thought a lot about one thing that is a common denominator for all things I want to share with you. I found! All are related to my experiences or reflections from cultural exchanges.  How did it actually happen that I take part in them? Well, I wanted to find a way to travel. But not just visiting new places. I wanted to explore culture, meet new people, and live with them. The problem was how to find a way to live a regular life in various places in the world. I could take flights from one place to another and work as a waitress. As a young person, it's quite tough to find a job where you travel a lot... I could try to be happy like that, but I would like to fulfil myself also in the professional area. So I decided cultural exchange might be a great solution. I use it I am still able to do it (most cultural exchanges have an age limit). So, I thought that my experiences might be interesting for someone. The program