What to do on holidays? Going for Erasmus!

It’s time for the first substantive content. It will be short. However, the main idea to start blogging was a goal to give you as many tools as a student can get. So, here you go!

There is around half of the holidays. Maybe this post should have been published earlier, but most people have plans for the beginning of summer and, probably, you would forget about it. I think it’s the perfect time to give you the inspiration to use the time that we have before the next academic year.
If you don’t have an idea what to do for the rest of the holidays (or you want to do something additional except study), I have a recommendation for you. A lot of NGOs around Europe have received funding for making projects. It is money from the EU, and the main goal for spending is to make short projects for young people within the Erasmus+ programme. Firstly, go to Facebook. Just put various combinations of words such as “young”, “Erasmus”, “opportunity”, “(name of your country)”, “projects”, and others. Then, choose “Groups” in the filters. Add yourself to those groups and… explore them! There are hundreds (or maybe even thousands) options for short-term Erasmus+, like a week or two. Each project has a topic, and your participation in this activity will be focused on it. This means you will have various activities, the most popular are workshops.
Such projects are absolutely free for beneficiaries. You have funded accommodation, alimentation, and all activities such as workshops. You just need to pay for flights but don’t worry – up to €275, you can receive money back for your flights (or other amounts, if the project says that). The only limits for such projects are 1) age – sometimes, it is 25 y.o., sometimes 30 y.o., and 2) your residence country. It depends on the project. If you meet this condition, you can go. Well, you have a trip for free, you can spend time productively, and in your free time, you just explore the local culture. You can even go with your friend! It may be your first (or next) step in the path of an adventure with cultural exchanges. 
So, are you going?


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