Recount from volunteering in Portugal: 2. "It’s not always easy."

It's time to share with you my second text written during my staying in Portugal. It has been created after my second week there.

"I would say, till now, my typical day in the organization looks very stably. And it is not this kind of work which I love the most. My job appeared totally different before I came to Lisbon within ESC. Usually, I worked on projects. It means I had many deadlines, different kinds of work to do, and it required knowledge from various fields of mine. For you, it can look like unstable work and non-settled working time. And it was. It was also related to a lot of stress, but… I really like it! Maybe not stress, but I feel really well in a job where sometimes there is no time to care about myself, but other times there is very calm, and everything is going slowly. In that case, stress wasn’t so great a sacrifice for me. Especially I really liked that job, and I appreciate I had that opportunity.
The job in the organization where I came in within ESC looks quite different. It starts at the same time every day. Also, at the same time, I have a lunch break. Tasks? There are similar to each other. Excited? Not really. Do I regret my decision to do volunteering within ESC? Not exactly.
Volunteering tested my beliefs. Will it be good for me? I don’t know yet."
I hope you enjoyed that. Read you next time!


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